positive quotes
positive quotes

Positive Quotes!

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Best Positive Quotes to become happy and achieve success!

1- Life is not easy, Your smile and efforts gives your courage to take it easy.

2- Success is not one day process, its an result of continuous efforts.

3- None can not understand yourself in the world, only you can if you want.

4- Do not waste your today in thinking future, keep focusing on present , future automatically will be yours.

5- Do not wish to have more money, just wish to be happy in life.

6- Do not free your mind to think anything, train it to think as you wish.

7- When you destroy natural resources for fulfilling your blind desires, you destroy someone’s basic resources.

8- Be happy but not on the cost of someone’s tears.

9- Do not be sad for incomplete wishes, because all wishes can not be fulfilled in one life.

10- Love is not defined by expectation you have from lover, love is defined by sacrifices to keep your lover happy.

11- Love is not defined by expectations you have from lover, love is defined by sacrifice to keep your lover happy.

12- If the mind has got into the habit of thinking too much, then make it a habit to think about God’s pastimes and name and the mind will start remaining calm.

13-Expectations from the others never let you be happy, because you always have the excuse to be sad!

14- Do not speak too much to prove yourself, try to be silent to know yourself.

15- Develop a habit to be happy & calm, because resources can not make you calm.

16- Nothing can ruin your your happiness, until you react on other negative thoughts.

17- No One never be trustworthy, their needs make them trustworthy to others.

18- Choose your thoughts wisely to react upon, because they make your destiny.

19- Do not spend your time on Gossiping, because time is more worth than money.

20- Chanting Ram Name or Krishna Name protect your from anger, intoxication and other bad habits.

21- Do not be a mirror of someone’s mistake, be an eraser to erase someone’s mistakes.

22- Be kind to everyone because we also expect it from others.

23- Become a Smile for someone’s lips, not the tear of someone’s eyes.

24-You can’t decide the circumstances come in your life, but you can decide what to achieve from the circumstances.

25-Never assume anything about someone, because you can assume something not understand everything.

26- Apologies makes your stronger, when you are wrong.

27- forgive is your strength do not consider it as a weakness.

28- Chanting the holy name of Lord krishna can burn your all sins.



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