Words of Encouragement

1- Do not think too much of life, just live it.

2-Anger gives rise to confusion, confusion spoils the intellect, when the intellect is disturbed then logic is destroyed, when logic is destroyed then the downfall of a person begins.

3- Do not wait the right time, just start doing the right things, time will be right.

4- Do not find the reason for happiness, just be happy, the reason will find you.

5- If you can be sad in imagination, then why do not you be happy in imaginations.

6- Build a habit to ignore the negative talks otherwise they will hack your mind.

7- People always says their opinion to you, whether you are right or wrong so be clear as you do, otherwise they will ruin your life.

8- Making someone happy is not possible until they want to be happy.

9- Never expect a respect from anyone, because people respect yourself when they are needy.

10- Do not reveal your weakness with anyone, because people find a chance to laugh at your weakness.

11- Never give excuse of your circumstances, because your own karma is responsible for your circumstances.

12- Do not pay attention to negative things, it will vanish your good thoughts.

13- Never Underestimate yourself, because you have the power to do what your think.

14- Never Compromise with the wrong people, because wrong people do not deserve it.

15- Do not think more about future, otherwise you will skip your present.

16- Do not think yourself as a fool or clever, because the world has more people foolish than yourself and wise than yourself.

17- Keep your mind clean, so that you can see yourself in mind mirror.

18- You know what is right and what is wrong, but you take wrong decision to impress others or thinking that is profitable.

20- Do not waste your time in making anyone understand, because people listen and understand the matter which they wishes to listen and understand not what you tell them.

21- Never Knell down before the problems, because when you knell down another problems will start rag yourself.

22- Make the friends but not them who discourage you in doing right.

23- Do not cry during bad time, because time might be change after day or month, but your crying habit never will let you happy.

24- When you feel yourself weaker than you lose all the sight to see any opportunities.

25- You never can be a looser until you considered yourself looser.

26- Do not try to become a leader, try to become an expert then automatically people will start you follow.

27- Free your mind from any negative thoughts to welcome new good thoughts.

28-If your are not happy, then you can not find the reason to be happy .

29- Always make a good rule to live, so that people will make use to live happily.

30- Everyone can advise you but best is who be with you.

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