Thinking is not bad, but an excess of thoughts increases anxiety because it sucks your energy. We need thoughts and imaginations for doing anything, but if we get unnecessary thoughts our actions are changed accordingly. If you want to stop overthinking you should understand what you think and from where you have collected these thoughts and why those thoughts coming into your mind. Whatever we see, we listen, we feel, and read that stores in our memory, and it is included in our thoughts, it can be bad or good according to our perceptions. If we continue to store various unnecessary (negative) information or we keep unfulfilled desires can be the cause of overthinking.
I advise some tips to stop overthinking

1- Pranayam (Deep breathing)

Take a breath slowly and exhale it slowly. This pranayama technique is a powerful tool to stable your breathing to stop overthinking.

2- Om Meditation

Meditation helps you to control your mind and reduces overthinking. Take a deep breath then exhale slowly with chanting the word ‘O’ then close your mouth with the sound M for some time.

3- Do not react to unnecessary arguments

Your friend circle may be an extrovert who always talks about unnecessary topics. Do not participate in unnecessary topics to refrain from unnecessary thoughts.

4- Do watch any crime show

Crime shows fill your mind with unnecessary and violent information that is not good for your mental as well as physical health.

5- Wake up early

Waking up early before raising the sun will help you to reduce overthinking and anxiety. Morning fresh air nourishes and strengthens your mind.
6- Do not watch porn movies –Porn movies or any adult content does not suit your mind, it damages your brainpower and pushes your mind in darkness, where your mind strength gets reduced. So stop watching porn movies to avoid overthinking.

7- Read Scriptures and chant Hari name

Read Scripture like Ramayan,Bhagvat Geeta or Bhagvat Mahapuran daily for 15 or 30 minutes. Reading scriptures stable and strengthen your mind to feel better. Chant hari name Name of God’s Krishna Or Ram to free your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

8-Remembering and thinking God’s Story

Thinking of God’s story (Leela Chintan) will soothe your mind and give you ultimate peace and joy. If you think and imagine of god’s Krishna’s and Rama’s Story. Your mind will be freed from unnecessary thoughts and stress.

9-Listen Shrimad Bhagvat Katha

Listening to Krishn’s Story and Ram’Story (Katha) Strengthen your mind and release unnecessary thoughts and stress.

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