How to deal with feeling lonely?

Once, A boy called his girlfriend and said, come at home, I am feeling alone, then the girl replied, why are you feeling alone. The boy asked are you coming or not . The girl said no, I have some urgent work at home. My father is ill and I am taking him to hospital for treatment, then the boy said you do not love me, then the girl replied I love you but cannot come over there and loneliness is in your mind. My physical presence cannot remove your loneliness, then boy kept the phone.

After a week both are met, then, the boy asked why you are ignoring me? then the girl replied I am not ignoring you, I was doing my duty towards my family, then the boy said can I ask questions, girl move her head in yes, Boy said how your physical presence cannot remove my emptiness, I am happy after meeting you. The girl replied, see when we believe we are alone, we feel alone, and when our desires to be with anyone are fulfilled, we feel happy. It means we are fully dependent on others to be happy and it is included in our habits.

The girl asked a question to the boy, tell me one thing if God has declared your happiness with me then he should have joined each -other. If you want to be happy then help someone who is poor and needs your support, and do the right kind of work, this way you can fill your mind with a lot of happiness and always chant Lord Krishna’s name to remove emptiness. The boy replied you are right, we can happy alone; we should not dependent for happiness on others because everything in the world is perishable and we will have to mourn forever when something or someone is lost.

This story has a message anyone’s physical presence cannot remove our loneliness, only our good deeds can remove loneliness. And we should not depend on others for being happy otherwise we can not be happy forever

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